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SEL Number: 02PE-02-CLTH
Title: Clothing, Operational, and Specialized/Protective Gear IED/EOD

Last Updated: 9/23/2018 8:35:09 PM

Previous SEL Number: 02PE-02-CLTH

Description: IED/EOD protective outer clothing used in conjunction with recon ensemble (02PE-01-RCON) or in lieu of full protective ensemble for known minimum threat situation.

ImportantFeatures: Clothing and gear should be constructed using 100% cotton, flame-resistant, fire-retardant materials. Synthetic materials may cause static discharge and should not be used.

Operating Considerations: Use only with known minimum threat.

Training Requirements: Core Training: Hazardous Devices School, Redstone Arsenal, AL
Initial Training: Extensive (>2 days)
Sustainment Training: Extensive (>2 days) with 3-yr recertification rqt

Mandatory Standards:

Applicable Standards and References:

  • Bomb Squad
  • REL: Full Canadian Recommended Equipment List
  • REL: LOS-1, Multi-Agency Intervention