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Last Updated: 3/2/2024 1:29:13 PM

Previous SEL Number: 04SW-01-OSSS

Description: Operating systems for servers. Examples include Windows Server, Unix, Linux.

ImportantFeatures: Minimum version should be:

- Windows: Server 2022
- Unix, Linux: Varies by vendor/distribution - check online for latest. However, note that particularly with Linux, the latest version may not be the most appropriate for production. Look instead for the latest version that offers Long Term Support (LTS) or equivalent. This is liklely to be the most recent stable version.

Operating Considerations: Consider benefits of Long Term Support (LTS) - may require specific OS version.
Choice of operating system will be determined by applications/services to be run on the host.
Use of 64-bit version of server OS highly recommended when compatible with hardware and applications/services to be run on host.
Ensure that a process is in place for installing the latest patches. Every local host needs to be maintained at the latest patch levels for security purposes.

Training Requirements: Core Training: Per Manufacturer's Specifications
Initial Training: Extensive (> 2 days)
Sustainment Training: Extensive (> 2 days)

Mandatory Standards:

Applicable Standards and References:

  • Forensic Technician
  • Law Enforcement: SWAT/Tactical Team
  • Medical Point of Dispensing