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Last Updated: 6/9/2011 11:49:25 AM

Previous SEL Number: 09MY-01-FPRN

Description: Tools used to collect fingerprints from the deceased.

ImportantFeatures: Example items include fingerprint cards, fingerprint powders, ink, printing plates, rollers, scalpels, ring cutters, forceps, syringes, magnifying devices, drying agent, feature builder, putty, scissors and scalpels.

Note that items in this kit may overlap with SEL items in Section 20CS.

Operating Considerations: Compatibility with existing Coroner or Medical Examiner equipment and processes should be researched prior to the purchase of equipment in this kit.

Training Requirements: Core Training: Local, State, or Federal certification appropriate to task, or training as apprentice/assistant.
Initial Training: Minimal (<1 day) per certification cycle
Sustainment Training: Minimal (<1 day) per certification cycle

Mandatory Standards:

Applicable Standards and References:

  • Forensic Technician
  • Pre-Hospital
  • Medical Disaster Stockpile
  • Mortuary Operations
  • REL: Full Canadian Recommended Equipment List